2007年3月17日 星期六

關於”elearn Magazine’s 2007 prediction about elearning “的閱讀報告

關於”elearn Magazine’s 2007 prediction about elearning “的閱讀問題回答:
1、Elliott Masie, The MASIE Center's Learning CONSORTIUM, USA
答:1、Who are the experts?
è Elliott Masie在美國MASIE 中心學習聯合企業 任職
2、Describe their organization
3、What are the predictions?
è High Definition Learning:透過視訊會議有了新的學習模式
è Social and Informal Blends:集體和非正式的學習打進教室,使得學習有更多的方式。
è Continuous Events vs. Defined Courses:學習是一直持續不斷的。
è Learning Systems (LMS/LCMS) Experiment with Web 3.0:學習系統透過Web 3.0實施。
è Open Source Content:共享資源的發展。
4、Do you agree or disagree with our experts? Why?
5 、How about similar products/technology/trends in Taiwan?

2、Curt Bonk, Professor, Indiana University, USA
答:1、Who are the experts?
è Curt Bonk美國印地安納大學教授,推行Web 2.0
2、Describe their organization
3、What are the predictions?
è Web 2.0
è 個人化的學習
è 2007年將推行更名「the Web」
4、Do you agree or disagree with our experts? Why?
已經有Web 3.0了。
5 、How about similar products/technology/trends in Taiwan?

3、Stephen Downes, Researcher, National Research Council, Canada
答:1、Who are the experts?
è Stephen Downes加拿大國家研究委員會研究人員
2、Describe their organization
3、What are the predictions?
è video-on-demand services:視訊隨選節目變得更廣泛且隨手可得。
è Wii:無線連線應用。
è Vista的風行
4、Do you agree or disagree with our experts? Why?
5 、How about similar products/technology/trends in Taiwan?

4、Jay Cross, Internet Time Group., USA
答:1、Who are the experts?
è Jay Cross美國Internet Time Group
2、Describe their organization
3、What are the predictions?
è 更少的課程、書
è Moore's Law
4、Do you agree or disagree with our experts? Why?
èagree. 世界變的無法預測,的確。
5 、How about similar products/technology/trends in Taiwan?

5、Richard Larson, Director, MIT Learning Interactive Networks Consortium (LINC) and Mitsui Professor, Engineering Systems, MIT, USA
答:1、Who are the experts?
è Richard Larson美國麻省理工學院LINC的主任及麻省理工學院工程系的教授
2、Describe their organization
3、What are the predictions?
è 受限於頻寬,線上學習發展中的國家的改革者將開發出更好的方法來平衡網路連線的區域內容的儲存。學習系統將可儲存在HD、CD、DVD或社區司服器
4、Do you agree or disagree with our experts? Why?
èagree. 有點像「新的網路技術,使得開發中國家的數位落差縮小了」
5 、How about similar products/technology/trends in Taiwan?

☆3/17花了二個小時再看一次elearn Magazine’s 2007 prediction about elearning的內容,3/18花了一個半小時轉化呈現內容(目前只完成第一題。喔!還不算完成),靠個人知識的累積似乎是太慢了,和日新月異的科技相比就更差以千里了,有了部落格,集合全球所有人之所學,知識累積與分享的速度或許稍稍能和日新月異的科技相並肩,這或許是部落格如此風行的原因之一(速識-快速傳遞知識)吧!而「回饋」大概是世人熱此不疲的因素之一吧!(給予張貼文章者支持的看法及看看別人是如何想?與自己的相法有何不同?)--鳳英答Week 3的課堂討論問題。(看Grace老師的Breeze Chat 得知大家課堂討論的議題大約是部落格的功用吧!)又花二個半小時,終於完工一小部分了!大家參考看看吧!剩下的待續時再補吧!